
Delicious choice: Cooking Corn on the Cob in the Microwave


Cooking corn on the cob in the microwave is a simple and time-saving method that allows you to enjoy this summer favorite all year round. Whether you’re looking for a quick snack or a side dish for a family meal, microwave cooking provides a convenient way to tenderize and lock in the sweet flavors of corn kernels. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of cooking corn on the cob in the microwave, offer tips for selecting and preparing the corn, discuss different cooking techniques, and provide suggestions for seasoning and serving. Get ready to savor the taste of perfectly cooked corn on the cob with the help of your microwave.


Delicious choice: Cooking Corn on the Cob in the Microwave

I. Selecting the Ideal Corn

Discover how to choose the perfect corn on the cob:

  1. Freshness is Key:

  • Look for corn with green husks that are tight and plump. Avoid husks that are dry, yellowed, or show signs of wilting as they may indicate older or less fresh corn.
  1. Kernel Color and Plumpness:

  • Check the kernels to ensure they are plump and moist, with a vibrant yellow or white color. Avoid corn with shriveled or discolored kernels.
  1. Tassel Moisture and Appearance:

  • Inspect the tassels (the fine, thread-like strands at the top of the ear) to ensure they are moist and silky. Dry or brown tassels can be a sign of less fresh corn.

II. Preparing the Corn

Follow these steps to prepare the corn for microwave cooking:

  1. Husk and Remove Silk:

  • Peel off the outer husks of the corn, discarding any loose or dry ones. Remove as much silk (the fine threads) as possible by gently pulling it off with your hands or using a soft brush.
  1. Leave Some Inner Husks:

  • For added moisture and flavor, leave a few of the inner husk layers attached to the corn. These layers will help trap the steam and enhance the juiciness of the corn on the cob.


III. Cooking Techniques

Explore different microwave cooking techniques for corn on the cob:

  1. Steam Cooking:

  • This method uses the natural moisture within the husk to steam the corn, resulting in tender and juicy kernels.

    a. Place the prepared corn on a microwave-safe plate or dish. b. Optionally, add a tablespoon of water to the plate to help create steam. c. Cover the corn with a microwave-safe lid or wrap it loosely with a damp paper towel. d. Microwave on high power for approximately 2 to 4 minutes per ear of corn, depending on the microwave wattage and desired doneness.

  1. Dry Cooking:

  • Dry cooking in the microwave is a quicker method that tends to slightly brown the corn and impart a slight roasted flavor.

    a. Place the prepared corn directly on a microwave-safe plate or dish. b. Microwave on high power for approximately 3 to 5 minutes per ear of corn, again adjusting the time based on the microwave’s wattage and desired doneness. c. The corn may char slightly, resulting in a delicious roasted taste.

IV. Seasoning and Serving

Enhance the flavor of your microwave-cooked corn on the cob with these seasoning and serving ideas:

  1. Classic Butter and Salt:

  • After cooking, spread a pat of butter over the hot corn and sprinkle with a pinch of salt to enhance the natural sweetness of the kernels.
  1. Mexican Street Corn:

  • Spread a mixture of mayonnaise, lime juice, chili powder, and crumbled cotija cheese over the cooked corn. Sprinkle with chopped fresh cilantro and serve with a wedge of lime for a mouthwatering twist.
  1. Herb Butter:

  • Mix softened butter with chopped fresh herbs like parsley, thyme, or chives. Spread the herb butter over the warm corn for a burst of freshness and flavor.
  1. Spicy Cajun:

  • Sprinkle corn with a combination of Cajun seasoning, smoked paprika, and a touch of cayenne pepper for a zesty and spicy kick.


V. Additional Tips

Consider these additional tips for cooking corn on the cob in the microwave:

  1. Cooking Time Adjustments:

  • Cooking times may vary depending on the wattage of your microwave and the desired tenderness of the corn. It’s best to start with the lower end of the recommended cooking times and adjust as needed.
  1. Rotating the Corn:

  • If your microwave doesn’t have a rotating tray, rotate the corn halfway through the cooking time to ensure even cooking. This helps to prevent hot spots and ensures uniform doneness.
  1. Cooling and Handling:

  • After cooking, allow the corn to cool slightly before handling, as it will be hot. Use oven mitts or tongs to hold the corn while removing the husks and serving.
  1. Experiment with Seasonings:

  • Feel free to experiment with your favorite seasonings and toppings to customize the flavor of your corn on the cob. From garlic butter to Parmesan cheese, the possibilities are endless.


VII. Safety Precautions

Keep the following safety precautions in mind when cooking corn on the cob in the microwave:

  1. Hot Steam:

  • Be cautious when removing the corn from the microwave, as hot steam can escape from the husk. Use oven mitts or tongs to handle the corn and avoid burns.
  1. Cooling Time:

  • Allow the corn to cool for a few minutes before consuming to avoid burning your mouth. The corn will retain its heat even after removing it from the microwave.
  1. Checking Doneness:

  • After cooking, check the doneness of the corn by inserting a fork into the kernels. If the kernels are tender and easily pierce, the corn is cooked. If not, return it to the microwave for additional cooking time.
  1. Uneven Cooking:

  • Microwaves may have hot spots that can lead to uneven cooking. To mitigate this, rotate the corn halfway through the cooking time and test for doneness accordingly.


VI. Conclusion: Convenient and Flavorful Corn in Minutes

Cooking corn on the cob in the microwave is a quick and effortless way to enjoy this beloved vegetable. With careful selection and preparation of the corn, followed by the appropriate cooking technique, you can achieve tender and flavorful corn on the cob in minutes.

Experiment with different seasonings and serving ideas to enhance the taste of your corn. Whether it’s classic butter and salt or more adventurous flavors, microwave cooking allows you to savor the natural sweetness of corn on the cob with ease.

Embrace the convenience and versatility of cooking corn in the microwave. Say goodbye to pots of boiling water and hello to perfectly cooked corn on the cob ready to be enjoyed in no time.