cook corn dogs in microwave

How Long to Cook Corn Dogs in Microwave?

Corn dogs are a classic American snack, often enjoyed at fairs, festivals, and sporting events. These delicious treats consist of a hot dog coated in a thick layer of cornbread batter and then deep-fried to golden perfection. While they are typically cooked in oil, many people wonder how long to cook corn dogs in the microwave. The answer may vary depending on several factors, including microwave wattage, the thickness of the corn dog, and personal preferences for texture. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about cooking corn dogs in the microwave as well as tips and tricks to ensure a delicious outcome.

Understanding the Basics of Microwave Cooking

The Science Behind Microwave Cooking

Microwaves cook food using electromagnetic radiation to excite water molecules within the food. This energy creates heat, which ultimately cooks the food. This is why evenly microwaving food can sometimes be tricky; certain areas may cook quicker than others, often leading to uneven texture or temperature.

Microwave Wattage and Cooking Times

Before diving into how long to cook corn dogs in the microwave, it’s essential to consider the wattage of your microwave. Most microwaves range between 600 and 1200 watts. Higher wattage means quicker cooking times, so if your microwave is more powerful, you may need to reduce the cooking time accordingly.

cook corn dogs in microwave

Preparing Corn Dogs for the Microwave

Choosing the Right Corn Dog

Before cooking, ensure you have the right kind of corn dog. Store-bought corn dogs are specifically designed for quick cooking, while homemade varieties may vary in size and thickness. Knowing the specific type of corn dog you are working with will help determine the cooking time.

Optional Pre-Cooking Preparation Steps

While you can cook a corn dog directly in the microwave, certain preparatory steps can enhance your results. Starting with a frozen corn dog is recommended. However, if you are using one that has been refrigerated, you might want to let it sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes to reduce cooking time.

How Long to Cook Corn Dogs in the Microwave by Type

Frozen Corn Dogs

Frozen corn dogs are the most common type and are easiest to cook in the microwave. Generally, a standard frozen corn dog will need the following cooking time, but always check packaging instructions as they may vary:

  • Microwave on High (700-800 watts): Cook for 50 seconds. Check if warm; if not, cook for an additional 10-15 seconds until fully heated.

Refrigerated Corn Dogs

For corn dogs that have been stored in the refrigerator, you should generally reduce the cooking time:

  • Microwave on High (700-800 watts): Cook for about 30-40 seconds. Again, check after the initial cooking period and add extra time if necessary.

Mini Corn Dogs

Mini corn dogs are often bite-sized versions that are perfect for snacking. Since they are smaller, they require less time to heat up:

  • Microwave on High (700-800 watts): Cook for approximately 30 seconds. Check for warmth, and add 5-10 seconds if needed.

cook corn dogs in microwave

Tips for the Best Corn Dogs in the Microwave

Use a Microwave-Safe Plate

Always use a microwave-safe plate when cooking corn dogs. This prevents potential hazards from using non-microwave-safe materials and helps ensure even cooking.

Turn the Corn Dog Over

To achieve an evenly heated corn dog, you can flip it halfway through the cooking time. This simple step can reduce the likelihood of cold spots and enhance the overall texture.

Consider Using a Paper Towel

Placing a paper towel under your corn dog while cooking can help absorb excess moisture. This leaves the exterior slightly crisp and prevents it from becoming soggy.

Check for Doneness

To ensure your corn dog is thoroughly heated, you can poke a toothpick into the center before consuming. If it comes out hot, your corn dog is ready!

Safety First: Cooking Corn Dogs in the Microwave

Avoid Under-Cooking

Undercooking corn dogs may pose a food safety risk, especially if they contain meat. Always err on the side of caution by ensuring they are hot throughout before consuming.

Handle with Care

After cooking, the corn dog may be quite hot. Use a fork or safe utensils to remove the corn dog from the microwave. Let it cool for a minute or two for safe consumption.

Pairing Your Corn Dogs

Perfect Side Dishes for Corn Dogs

Corn dogs are incredibly versatile. While they taste fantastic on their own, pairing them with side dishes can enhance your meal experience. Here are some popular pairings:

French Fries

A classic side that complements almost any snack, French fries and corn dogs create a comfort food feast.


A tangy coleslaw can serve as a refreshing counterpart to the rich, savory flavor of a corn dog, providing balance.

Potato Chips

For those looking for something quick and crunchy, potato chips get the job done. They’re convenient and perfect for dipping.

Dipping Sauces

Dipping sauces add an exciting twist to corn dogs. Here are some popular choices:


A traditional choice, mustard’s sharpness pairs well with the sweet cornbread batter.


Many enjoy sweet ketchup to contrast the savory flavor of the hot dog.

BBQ Sauce

For a smoky touch, BBQ sauce is a fantastic option. The richness of barbecue sauce adds complexity to the meal.

cook corn dogs in microwaveThe Nutritional Aspects of Corn Dogs

Evaluating Nutrition Information

Corn dogs can be satisfying, but they can also be calorie-dense. Here’s a general breakdown you can expect per corn dog:

  • Calories: Approximately 150-300, depending on the size and batter.
  • Fat: Around 8-20 grams, depending on whether it’s deep-fried or baked.
  • Protein: Typically 6-8 grams, derived mainly from the hot dog itself.

Healthier Alternatives

If you love corn dogs but are looking for healthier options, consider the following:

  • Baking Instead of Frying: If you’re willing to give up the fried texture, baking corn dogs can significantly reduce fat content.
  • Turkey or Veggie Dogs: Using turkey or vegetarian hot dogs can decrease calories and fat content.
  • Whole Wheat Batter: Some recipes allow for whole wheat flour to be used in the batter, which adds fiber.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Reheat Corn Dogs?

Yes, you can reheat corn dogs in the microwave, though the cooking time will vary. Aim for 30-40 seconds on high for refrigerated corn dogs, and always check for warmth.

How to Achieve Crispy Corn Dogs?

Microwaves generally don’t achieve the same crispiness as frying. However, one option is to finish off corn dogs in a toaster oven or skillet after microwaving to enhance the texture.

Can You Cook Corn Dogs in the Oven?

Yes, you can cook corn dogs in the oven for a different texture. Preheat your oven and cook them according to packaging instructions for oven roasting, usually around 20-25 minutes for frozen corn dogs.


Knowing how long to cook corn dogs in the microwave ensures that you enjoy this delightful snack at its best. Though cooking times vary based on wattage and type of corn dog, the general guidelines are straightforward. With some simple preparation and tips, cooking corn dogs in the microwave can yield delicious results. Whether you’re enjoying them on game day, at a picnic, or simply as a quick snack, corn dogs are always a delightful treat. So, the next time the craving strikes, remember that your microwave is a quick way to bring this classic comfort food back into your life.