
Banishing the Burnt Smell: Effective Solutions for Your Microwave


Accidents happen, and sometimes we end up with a burnt smell lingering in our microwave. Whether it’s from overcooked food, a forgotten container, or a mishap, dealing with this unpleasant odor is essential. Thankfully, there are simple and effective methods to eliminate the burnt smell and restore freshness to your microwave. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore step-by-step solutions to get rid of the burnt smell. From tackling immediate odor control to thorough cleaning techniques, you will discover specific tips that will have your microwave smelling fresh and clean again.


Banishing the Burnt Smell: Effective Solutions for Your Microwave

I. Immediate Odor Control

  1. Ventilation:

  • Begin by opening windows or turning on ventilation fans to allow fresh air to circulate in the kitchen. This helps to reduce the concentration of the burnt smell and promote better air quality.
  1. Remove Burnt Item:

  • Carefully remove any burnt food or containers from the microwave. Discard them in a sealed bag and dispose of them properly to prevent further odor.

II. Natural Odor Absorbers

  1. Baking Soda:

  • Place a small bowl or cup filled with baking soda in the microwave. Baking soda is excellent for absorbing odors. Leave it inside the closed microwave for several hours, ideally overnight, before removing it. Dispose of the used baking soda safely.
  1. Activated Charcoal:

  • Another effective odor absorber is activated charcoal. Place a small amount in a bowl or cup, and leave it in the microwave for several hours or overnight to absorb the burnt smell. Dispose of the used charcoal afterward.


III. Cleaning the Interior

  1. Vinegar and Water Solution:

  • Create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water in a microwave-safe bowl. Place the bowl inside the microwave and heat it on high for approximately 2-3 minutes. This creates steam that helps loosen stains and odors.
  1. Wiping Down the Interior:

  • After heating the vinegar and water mixture, carefully remove the bowl using oven mitts or a heat-resistant cloth. Use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe down the interior of the microwave, paying close attention to any visible stains or residue caused by the burnt smell.
  1. Removing Stubborn Stains:

  • For stubborn stains or residue, create a paste by mixing baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the affected areas and gently scrub with a sponge or cloth. Rinse with water and wipe clean.

IV. Deodorizing Solutions

  1. Lemon Solution:

  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a microwave-safe bowl. Add half a cup of water and place the bowl in the microwave. Heat it on high for approximately 2 minutes, or until the liquid begins to boil. Let it sit for a few minutes to allow the lemon scent to permeate the microwave. Then, carefully remove the bowl and wipe down the interior with a clean cloth.
  1. Vanilla Extract:

  • Mix a small amount of vanilla extract with water in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the mixture on high for approximately 1 minute. The sweet aroma of vanilla will help neutralize the burnt smell in the microwave. Wipe down the interior afterward using a clean cloth.
  1. Coffee Grounds:

  • Fill a microwave-safe bowl with coffee grounds and place it inside the microwave. Let it sit for several hours or overnight to absorb the burnt smell. Remove the bowl and wipe down the interior with a clean cloth.


V. Regular Maintenance and Prevention Tips

  1. Cover Food Properly:

  • Use microwave-safe covers or vented lids when heating food to prevent splatters and potential burnt odors.
  1. Clean Spills Promptly:

  • Immediately clean any spills or splatters inside the microwave to prevent residue buildup and lingering odors.
  1. Regular Cleaning Routine:

  • Establish a regular cleaning routine for your microwave by wiping it down with a damp cloth after each use. This helps prevent stains and odors from accumulating.
  1. Baking Soda Absorber:

  • Place an open box of baking soda inside the microwave between uses. Baking soda acts as a natural absorbent and helps neutralize any odors that may develop.


VII. Additional Tips for Eliminating Odor

  1. Citrus Peel:

  • Instead of using lemon juice, you can also place citrus peels, such as orange or lime, inside a microwave-safe bowl with water. Heat the mixture for a few minutes, allowing the citrus scent to infuse the microwave and combat the burnt smell.
  1. Essential Oils:

  • Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender or peppermint, to a cup of water in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the mixture for a minute or two to release the aroma and eliminate odors. Wipe down the interior afterward to remove any residue.
  1. Microwave Deodorizer:

  • Commercial microwave deodorizers, available in stores, can be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions to quickly neutralize unwanted smells. These deodorizers often contain odor-absorbing materials that effectively eliminate unpleasant odors.

VIII. Dealing with Lingering Odors

  1. Repeat Cleaning Methods:

  • If the burnt smell persists even after following the initial cleaning steps, repeat the cleaning methods mentioned earlier. Be thorough in wiping down the interior and pay extra attention to areas with persistent stains or residue.
  1. Ventilation:

  • Open windows and use fans to increase airflow and ventilation in the kitchen. Fresh air circulation will help dissipate any lingering odors.
  1. Natural Air Fresheners:

  • Place bowls of fresh herbs, such as basil or mint, on the kitchen counter near the microwave. These natural air fresheners release pleasing scents that can help further mask stubborn odors.

IX. Avoiding Strong Odors in the Future

  1. Cover Strong-Smelling Foods:

  • When reheating strong-smelling foods like fish or onions, use a microwave-safe cover to contain the aroma. This will prevent the odor from permeating the microwave and lingering afterward.
  1. Pre-Cleaning Contaminated Dishes:

  • Before placing dishes or containers with stubborn, dried-on food into the microwave, pre-clean them to minimize any potential burnt smells. Soaking or scrubbing the dishes beforehand will make it easier to remove any residual food remnants that could cause odor.


VI. Conclusion: A Fresh and Clean Microwave

By following these specific steps, you can effectively eliminate the burnt smell from your microwave. From immediate odor control using natural absorbents to thorough cleaning techniques with vinegar, lemon, or vanilla extract, your microwave will be fresh and clean in no time.

Remember to practice regular maintenance by covering food properly and promptly cleaning any spills. Establishing a routine cleaning schedule and utilizing baking soda as an ongoing odor absorber will help prevent future burnt smells and maintain a pleasant environment in your microwave.

Embrace the convenience and cleanliness of your fresh-smelling microwave as you enjoy hassle-free cooking and reheating experiences. Say goodbye to the burnt smell and welcome the delightful aromas of your culinary creations into your kitchen once again.